Lawyers Helping Lawyers
Tell us your story!

Do you have an experience with how stress, emotional health, mental health or substance use problems interfered with your life and work? Sharing your challenges, strategies and success stories could help your colleagues and friends. Contact us today if you would like to talk about your wellness, work-life balance or other journey.

Serving in a profession where you have to operate at 100 percent 24/7 takes a toll on you in more ways than one. Bar members often describe themselves as wearing suit of armor but breaking down on the inside.

Lawyers Helping Lawyers and the Wellness Committee partnered to talk frankly about a problem the legal organization often faces: the stigma of asking for help.

Members of the Bar stepped forward to share their stories of mindfulness, seeking help, work-life balance and how to help others.

Watch the testimonials below from Bar members on their wellness journeys and for more information on the benefits of Lawyers Helping Lawyers and check out additional member testimonials here

Asking for Help

After getting hit by a car, Katherine Myers was forced to ask for help, where she otherwise might not have. She talks about how the trauma forced her to take another look at what really matters.

Destigmatizing Coming Forward

With increasing stress and pressures within the practice of law, South Carolina Supreme Court Justice John Kittredge urges struggling lawyers to slow down and seek help, without the fear of being attached to a stigma. The Lawyers Helping Lawyers program strives to make an impact on lawyers from the very beginning of their career. Each month, LHL goes to law schools across South Carolina and serves as a resource to those who need assistance.

Putting the Important Things First

After working so hard to become a lawyer, it can become difficult to separate your job from your personal life. Ashleigh Wilson urges other lawyers to distinguish if stressors in their life fall in the categories of things that are truly important. Asking her peers and mentors who have been through similar situations for help gave her insight in how to focus on herself and balance life and work.  

Breaking Down Barriers

Frank McMaster explains the importance of lawyers breaking down their walls and the normalcy of asking for help when it’s needed. Speaking from experience, he emphasizes how opening up about your problems will lead you to other people who are struggling or have dealt with a similar situation.

Lawyers Helping Lawyers
Tell us your story!

Do you have an experience with how stress, emotional health, mental health or substance use problems interfered with your life and work? Sharing your challenges, strategies and success stories could help your colleagues and friends. Contact us today if you would like to talk about your wellness, work-life balance or other journey.