Elementary Mock Trial is an excellent way to begin to introduce the concepts of justice, and the judiciary through fairy tale trials. We all know the stories of Goldilocks, Paul Bunyan, The Three Little Pigs, and others. Through materials from the American Bar Association and supplied to elementary teachers by the South Carolina Bar LRE Division, students can learn about the courts in an interactive fashion. For some trials there are even puppets available from the SC Bar LRE Division for check out.
Available Cases
Beyond Elementary Mock Trial
Effectiveness and Incentives
Order Form and Agreement to Checkout Cases
Puppets for use with Cases
The elementary mock trial cases were purchased for the use of creating an Elementary Mock Trial program. The cases are made available on loan from the SC Bar and are to be returned after use along with the corresponding puppets to each case. The SC Bar does not give permission to make photocopies of the case materials as the cases are copyrighted. If anyone would like to make copies of a particular case, permission needs to be acquired from the creator of the case materials. If anyone would like to purchase case materials, cost and contact information will be provided.
Points of views or opinions in any of the cases are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of the SC Bar.