Palmetto Volunteer Lawyer Project
Help individuals in need of legal services.
One of the hallmarks of the legal profession is its demonstrated commitment to service to those who are unable to afford representation.
Rule 6.1 of the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct states a lawyer should render public interest legal service and may discharge this responsibility by: (1) providing professional services at no fee or reduced fee to persons of limited means or to public service or charitable groups or organizations; (2) participating in activities for improving the law, the legal system or the legal profession; and (3) providing financial support for organizations that provide legal services to persons of limited means.
During his tenure, Immediate Past President Rusty Infinger led the charge to revamp the SC Bar Pro Bono Program, and we now can share with you the results of the in-depth, months-long study and recommendations from our friends at Thredpartners. Thank you to all of the volunteers, task force members and community partners who gave their time and energy to ensure our new pro bono program launches from a strong foundation.
Our new overarching SC Bar pro bono goals are to: