May 6, 2021

The House met on May 6, 2021, via video conference. 

Participating were Shedricka Taccara Anderson; Kenneth C. Anthony, Jr.; Jennifer Ellis Aplin; S. Maria Shiloh Averill; Pamela A. Baker; Martin Rast Banks; J. Leeds Barroll, IV; Cherie T. Barton; Samuel Robert Bass, II; Mark S. Berglind; Susan B. Berkowitz; Natalie Blythe Bialas; Joseph Pawel Bias; Matthew M. Billingsley; Maryann Elizabeth Blake; Margaret Miles Bluestein; Clifford Lewis Bourke, Jr.; James Edward Bradley; Melody Joy Edelman Breeden; Robert Lesley Brown; Twana Nakeya Burris‐Alcide; Derek Mitchell Bush; Beverly A. Carroll; George B. Cauthen; Aleksandra Boguslawa Chauhan; Amie L. Clifford; John Ford Connell, Jr.; M. DawesCooke, Jr.; Lee Deer Cope; Leslie A. Cotter, Jr.; Elnora Jones Dean; Megan Catherine Hunt Dell; Robert Scott Dover; Martin S. Driggers, Jr.; Walter George Dusky; Megan Sara Ehrlich; John D. Elliott; Scott A. Elliott; Eric K. Englebardt; Frank L. Eppes; Ashley R. Forbes; F. Cordes Ford, IV; Allen O. Fretwell; Debra J. Gammons; Warren V. Ganjehsani; Shauna Lisa Gibson; Tiffany D. Gibson; Harry L. Goldberg; Wm. Douglas Gray; Jack D. Griffeth; William Eugene Grove; Daryl G. Hawkins; Amy L.B. Hill; William Coleman Hubbard; Russell Thomas Infinger; Charles Epps Ipock; Lindsay Anne Joyner; Justin S Kahn; D. Michael Kelly; Catherine H. Kennedy; Charles A. Kinney, Jr.; Francis B.B. Knowlton; Christopher R. Koon; Lanneau Wm. Lambert, Jr.; LeRoy Free Laney; James Edward Lockemy; Joshua Lonon; Jonathan William Lounsberry; Angus H. Macaulay; Pierce Talmadge MacLennan; Christy Elizabeth Mahon; Walter Keith Martens; Karla Cecilia Martinez Lainez; John Lucius McCants; John O. McDougall; Elizabeth Holland McFarland; Sara Leslie McIntosh; David B. Miller; Meredith Brooks Moss; John Hammond Muench; Randall K. Mullins; Adam Christopher Ness; Irish Ryan Neville; Elizabeth Foy Nicholson; Greg Ohanesian; Cashida Nichole Chinwe Okeke; James Graham Padgett, III; Ross Buchanan Plyler; Sheally Venus Poe; Benjamin R. Pogue, III; Michelle Duncan Powers; Edward K. Pritchard, III; Frederick Elliotte Quinn, IV; Jacob Howell Raehn; Robert Lawrence Reibold; Martha M. Rivers Davisson; John E. Rosen; Martha Kent Runey; Nancy Doherty Sadler; Carmelo Barone Sammataro; Stephen T. Savitz; Mary Elizabeth Sharp; Reid T. Sherard; Cheryl D. Shoun; Jane Opitz Shuler; Lana H. Sims, Jr.; Jasmine Denise Smith; Krystal Watson Smith; Lisa Lee Smith; Michael Benjamin Smith; Henry B. Smythe, Jr.; Christian Giresi Spradley; J. Benjamin Stevens; Megan Finch Stevens; Randell Croft Stoney, III; Hal M. Strange; Robert Ernest Sumner, IV; Jeanmarie Tankersley; Heath Preston Taylor; David L. Tedder; John Hagood Tighe; Stephanie Millenbine van der Horst; Michael J. Virzi; Regina B. Ward; J. Calhoun Watson; Frances Ricci Land Welch; Daniel B. White; Richard Giles Whiting; Sheila Marlouvon Willis; Mitchell Willoughby; William Marvin Wilson, III; Carrington Salley Baker Wingard; William K. Witherspoon; David Whitten Wolf; Michael Dennis Wright and Clinton Joseph Yarborough.

Guests present were Steven Epps, The Hon. Stephanie McDonald, and Megan S. Seiner.

Representing the Bar staff were Innis Belton, Mary‐Kathryn Craft, Jeremy Frazier, Warren Holland,Charmy Medlin, David M. Ross, Kimberly Snipes, and Kali Turner.

Chair Chris Koon called the meeting to order. A quorum was declared present.
A motion was made to allow privileges of the floor to nonmembers. The motion was seconded, and it was approved.

Chairperson Koon advised the House that Agenda Item 1(d), Request from SLD to Ament the BarConstitution and Bylaws, had been removed from the agenda. The amended agenda was adopted by acclamation.

A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda ‐ approval of the minutes of the May 20, 2021meeting, receipt of March Financial Statements and a request from the Family Law Section to amendSection Bylaws. The motion was seconded, and it was approved.

Mr. Epps recognized the Solo and Small Firm Lawyer of the Year, Michael J. Polk. Mr.Dusky recognized the Law Related Education Lawyer of the Year, Ryan Newkirk.

Ms. Seiner provided a report on the activities of the SC Bar Foundation including the status of IOLTA funds and giving trends. She noted the 50th Anniversary of the Bar Foundation and thanked Bar Officers for their support during the past year.

Under report of the President, Mr. Laney provided an overview of the work of the Bar’s DiversityStrategic Plan Implementation Committee and the standing Diversity Committee. He encouraged House members to complete the Your Bar, Your Voice Survey. He provided updates on the Bar Convention, the Lawyers Helping Lawyers program, Continuing Legal Education during COVID, the Civil Rights Task Force and the Supreme Court Historical Society. In closing, he thanked the ChiefJustice and the Court and the Bar staff for their support.

The following members were elected to the Nominating Committee: Robert E. Tyson, Jr. of Columbia(Region 2) and David B. Miller of Myrtle Beach (Region 3).

Mr. Tighe presented Bar and CLE Division budgets for 2021‐22 and moved approval. The motion wasseconded, and it was approved.

Ms. Sharp recognized outgoing Bar President Laney with a commemorative plaque and gift. Therebeing no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

President Laney convened a meeting of the Assembly and declared a quorum was present.

President Laney recognized and thanked outgoing Board members. He called on incoming Bar officersand Board members for installation.

Following the installation of officers and Board members, the Honorable Stephanie McDonald presented brief remarks and installed Mary E. Sharp as President of the South Carolina Bar. Ms. Sharp was recognized to make remarks.

Upon conclusion of the business for which it had convened, the Assembly was adjourned.