Section Information

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Military & Veterans’ Law Section, please forward dues payment in the amount of $25 to: SC Bar, Attn: Tara G. Caine, P.O. Box 608, Columbia, SC 29202. Please make checks payable to the SC Bar and note in the memo portion Military Dues.

Military Spouse Rule Enacted

FY2023-2024 Goals

Lt COL Timothy W. Murphy, Chair

1. Institute membership and participation initiatives, including:

Offering one free year of membership to all new Section members.

Promoting participation within the Section at Essentials Series Course and various other outlets by providing informational materials on the benefits of becoming a member of the Section. 

Coordinating networking events with the USC School of Law and the Charleston School of Law.

Recognizing new Section members with a customized military unit coin.

Utilizing the Section community platform to notify Section members on significant developments in military & veterans’ law, legislative updates, member highlights and to allow Section members to exchange information and ideas related to military & veterans’ law. 

2. Support continuing education and professional development initiatives on initiatives relevant to military and veterans’ law by:

Conducting a seminar on issues related to military and veterans’ law at the Bar Convention.

Hosting a Fall Conference in alternate years on VA Claims and Military Matters.

Providing financial support to JAG onsite conferences held in South Carolina.

Increasing awareness of the Bar’s Legal Assistance for Military Personnel “LAMP” program as well as the South Carolina Attorney General’s VALOR program. 

Coordinating with other state Bar associations (i.e., State Bar of Georgia annual symposium) on how to strengthen bar programs serving members of the military, veterans, and their families. 

Producing online CLEs and distance learning programs.

3. Promote delivery of legal services in military and veterans’ law, including:

Encouraging and coordinating member participation in pro bono programs such as the S.C. Veterans Court, Veterans’ Stand Down for the Homeless program, and similar projects. 

Coordinating efforts with the USC School of Law through its Veterans Law Clinic by offering services to any indigent veteran facing legal issues such as credit and related financial matters, housing issues, government benefits, and family law issues.

Supporting the SC Department of Veteran Affairs, the SC Department of Employment & Workforce, and various other organizations, with their efforts to assist veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses locate employment. Information about upcoming hiring events and initiatives will be provided to the Section and to military and veteran communities. 

Helpful Links

Article: New VALOR program to assist SC military members with legal matters

S.C. State Office of Veterans' Affairs

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Office of Service Member Affairs

S.C. NOVA Attorneys

Accredited VA Attorneys

Section Chair:

LT Col Ian T. Duggan
(803) 404-6900  

Staff Contact:
Tara Caine
(803) 799-6653, ext. 146