In 1958, the South Carolina Bar and the University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law established “Memory Hold the Door,” to preserve for the inspiration of future generations the high ethical and professional standards of past leaders of the legal profession – by acclaiming and extolling their virtues. The School of Law displays “Memory Hold the Door” books in the library.

The South Carolina Bar Foundation raises money to recognize the legal giants included each year. The purpose of the funds, is to promote, through the University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law, the welfare of the legal profession by using the income for scholarships.

The South Carolina Bar’s “Memory Hold the Door” Committee has charge of  identifying and selecting individuals worthy of inclusion. The lawyers remembered, therefore, represent a true Honor Roll of the legal profession, selected by their fellow lawyers as best exemplifying the qualities of integrity, professionalism and skill required of the Bench and Bar.

Each year a “Memory Hold the Door” event is held at the USC Joseph F. Rice School of Law to recognize the new inductees and their friends and family members are invited to attend.

2024 Ceremony

The Memory Hold the Door Ceremony is scheduled to be held at 1:30 p.m. on May 9, 2024, in the Hon. Karen J. Williams Courtroom at the Law School, 1525 Senate St., Columbia. A reception will immediately follow the program, in the Perrin Family room at the law school. Bagged-meter parking will be available at 1100 blocks of Pickens St. and Bull St. and the 1600 block of Senate St. Click here for additional information.

2024 MHTD Program

MHTD Recommendations

If you are interested in recommending a deceased SC Bar member to be inducted into Memory Hold the Door, please forward a letter of recommendation and any supporting documentation to Tara G. Caine at The candidate must have been in good standing with the SC Bar and should be deceased at least 12 months since the last Committee meeting, which is typically in August.  Please note that in previous years, there have been exceptions.

Committee Roster

Committee Goals

To recognize and honor distinguished deceased members of the South Carolina Bar memorializing their lives by inclusion of their contributions to the profession and society in the Roll of Honor Book at the University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law.

Past Honorees
Click here to visit the USC Joseph F. Rice School of Law's Memory Hold the Door Roll of Inductees, which includes biographical and obituary information for each inductee.

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M      N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V   W   X    Y    Z


Robert Aldrich (1844-1911)
James W. Alford (1930-2008)
James C. Anders (1941-2004)
Martin Frederick Ansel (1850-1945)
Walter Harold Arnold (1907-1998)
William Thomas Aycock (1868-1928)


Robert Edgar Babb (1872-1951)
Frank Herndon Bailey (1902-1986)
Ralph Bailey (1927-2003)
Charles E. Baker (1935-2010)
Gordon Badger Baker (1906-1973)
Rudolph Counts Barnes, Sr. (1917-1995)
Nathaniel Berners Barnwell (1877-1950)
Jackson L. Barwick Jr. (1924-2012)
Hon. Lester L. Bates Jr. (1931-2009)
Roy D. Bates (1933-2009)
Howard Carlisle Bean (1923-2000)
Randall Theron Bell (1945-1994)
George Duncan Bellinger (1856-1910)
George Duncan Bellinger Jr. (1888-1963)
Duncan Clinch Heyward Belser (1918-1994)
Irvine Furman Belser (1889-1969)
James Edwin Belser, (1883-1962)
William Gordon Belser (1875-1961)
Christie Benet (1879-1951)
Isadore S. Bernstein (1922-2010)
Jean Galloway Bissell (1936-1990)
Shuler Augustus Black (1901-1970)
Solomon Blatt (1895-1986)
Hon. Sol Blatt Jr.
Edgeworth Montague Blythe (1872-1945)
John T. Bodenheimer (1932-2007)
Horace Leland Bomar, Jr. (1912-1994)
Milledge Lipscomb Bonham (1854-1943)
Thomas McCullough Boulware (1883-1953)
C. Benjamin Bowen (1927-2005)
William Clarence Boyd, Jr. (1904-1975)
James William Bradford (1914-1998)
James Moncrief Brailsford, Jr. (1910-1993)
Wilburn Brewer, Jr. (1939-2003)
Hon. Walter J. Bristow Jr. (1924-2013)
Clarence Alvin Brown (1940-1978)
David A. Brown (1936-2005)
Edgar Allen Brown (1888-1975)
Reginald C. Brown Jr. (1940-2010)
Hon. Walter B. Brown Jr. (1947-2007)
John Calvin Bruton (1907-1969)
Gustavus Werber Bryan (1914-1990)
Eugene Bryant (1902-1969)
Thomas Braxton Bryant, Jr. (1905-1983)
Hon. Mary E. Buchan (1952-2007)
Edward D. Buckley (1919-2006)
George Lamb Buist (1888-1967)
Henry Buist (1895-1977)
Alfred Franklin Burgess (1906-1992)
Howard Lamar Burns (1914-1996)
Henry Busbee (1892-1987)
Thomas Patrick Bussey (1905-1981)
Thomas Bothwell Butler (1903-1972)
James Francis Byrnes (1879-1972)


Thomas Pinckney Lowndes Cain (1901-1953)
Tolliver Cleveland Callison (1884-1966)
F. William Cappelmann (1888-1958)
Robert Reid Carpenter (1929-2001)
Rex L. Carter (1925-2014)
Justice A. Lee Chandler (1922-2012)
James S. Chandler Jr. (1949-2010)
John Wainwright Chappell (1940-1980)
Nathaniel Heyward Clarkson, Jr. (1911-1995)
Robert L. Clement, Jr. (1928-2017)
Hon. Owens T. Cobb Jr. (1933-2007)
Ernest Ford Cochran (1865-1934)
Alvin Atwell Coleman, Jr. (1930-1995)
George Franklin Coleman, Jr. (1918-2002)
Hon. Louis E. Condon (1927-2011)
Carol Connor (1950-2004)
Wallace Darlington Connor Jr. (1916-1995)
Edwin Haselden Cooper (1907-1993)
Paul Anderson Cooper (1889-1956)
John Ignatius Cosgrove (1888-1948)
Thomas Perrin Cothran (1857-1934)
Fred D. Cox Jr. (1922-2000)
John Wolff Crews (1890-1962)
David H. Crum (1927-2012)
Henry Hayne Crum (1914-2000)


J. Bratton Davis (1917-2004)
John Kershaw deLoach (1900-1984)
Edward Colgate Dennis, Sr. (1872-1955)
Edward Colgate Dennis, Jr. (1910-1993)
Rembert Coney Dennis (1915-1992)
Harry S. Dent (1930-2007)
Martha B. Dicus (1949-2012)
George Louis Dial (1900-1983)
Moultrie Dwight Douglas (1901-1980)
Grafton Geddes Dowling (1915-2001)
Joab Mauldin Dowling, Sr. (1917-1992)
Ralph Wilbur Drake (1911-2002)
James Franklin Dreher (1910-1972)
Alfred Edmundston Dufour (1927-1992)
Charlton DuRant (1874-1953)
Robert N. DuRant


Henry Harman Edens (1909-1990)
John Edward Edens (1896-1963)
Samuel Henry Edmunds (1901-1968)
William Craig Ehrhardt (1909-1986)
Charles Bell Elliott (1885-1970)
William Elliott (1872-1943)
William Talley Elliott (1903-1961)
Frank Eppes (1922-2002)
Harry L. Erckmann (1878-1963)
Victor S. Evans, Jr. (1934 - 2005)


Fred Randolph Fanning, Jr. (1915-1995)
Claudius Cyprian Featherstone (1864-1945)
Robert McCormick Figg, Jr. (1901-1991)
Kirkman Finlay, Jr. (1936-1993)
David Edward Finley (1861-1917)
William Gist Finley (1895-1969)
The Honorable Sidney T. Floyd (1929 - 2005)
James Claude Fort (1892-1980)
Paul Juan Foster, Jr. (1928-1999)
Richard Joseph Foster (1915-1998)
Robert W. Foster Sr.
David L. Freeman (1924-2014)
James Nelson Frierson (1874-1960)
James Monroe Fulmer (1912-1971)
Ann L. Furr (1945-2016)


Wilburn Carrol Gable, Jr. (1930-1978)
George Williams Gage (1856-1921)
Robert Stone Galloway, Jr. (1928-1997)
Ernest Gary (1857-1914)
Eugene Blackburn Gary (1858-1926)
Frank Boyd Gary (1860-1922)
Frank Boyd Gary Jr. (1900-1971)
Arthur Lee Gaston (1876-1951)
David Aiken Gaston (1903-1988)
Henry Taylor Gaud (1909-1993)
John Thomas Gentry (1924-1991)
Charles Haskell Gibbs (1915-1993)
Coming B. Gibbs Jr. (1936-2012)
Julian H. Gignilliat (1939-2002)
John Lyles Glenn (1892-1938)
Terrell Lyles Glenn Sr. (1930-1993)
Eleanor T. Going (1921-2013)
I. M. Goldberg (1933-1979)
William Crosland Goldberg (1917-1972)
Augustus T. Graydon (1916-2007)
Clinton Tompkins Graydon (1890-1962)
George Benjamin Greene (1878-1957)
George Tillman Gregory, Jr. (1921-2001)
Ned Gregory (1903-1986)
Lawrence Marion Gressette (1902-1984)
Frank Barron Grier (1869-1933)
Frank Barron Grier, Jr. (1907-1971)
Eugene Cannon Griffith (1936-1990)
Jefferson Davis Griffith (1889-1973)
Steve Campbell Griffith (1898-1972)
George E. Grimball, Jr. (1923-2004)
John Grimball (1914-1991)
William Heyward Grimball (1886-1964)
William Heyward Grimball (1917-1999)
Theodore Bogert Guerard (1930-1997)


Benjamin Adger Hagood (1866-1928)
George D. Haimbaugh Jr. (1916-2005)
Henry Hammer (1910-2005)
James Henry Hammond (1885-1970)
John F. Hardaway (1951-2009)
Abram Lindsay Hardee (1893-1969)
William Ross Hare (1934-1980)
Cotton C. Harness III (1949-2010)
Donald A. Harper (1946-2007)
Rogers Edward Harrell (1905-1978)
William Brantley Harvey, Sr. (1893-1981)
Hon. David W. Harwell
Falcon B. Hawkins (1927-2005)
Billy Drennan Hayes (1920-2002)
Clement Furman Haynsworth (1885-1953)
Clement Furman Haynsworth, Jr. (1911-1989)
Harry J. Haynsworth (1859-1941)
John McLure Hemphill (1887-1952)
Robert Witherspoon Hemphill (1915-1983)
Daniel Sullivan Henderson (1849-1921)
Edward Henry Henderson (1886-1959)
Peronneau Finley Henderson (1877-1968)
Robert Beverley Herbert (1879-1974)
Robert Beverley Herbert, Jr. (1916-1977)
Raymond Braddy Hildebrand (1904-1954)
Leo H. Hill (1927-2010)
Benjamin Deland Hodges (1887-1937)
Edward Pegues Hodges (1897-1954)
James Neville Holcombe (1902-1983)
Angela R. Holder (1938-2009)
Donald H. Holland (1928-2003)
Robert Meyer Hollings (1915-1999)
Alexander Baron Holmes, III (1905-1991)
Charlton Bowen Horger (1914-1997)
Ernest Joseph Howard (1930-2000)
Arthur G. Howe (1927-2004)
Gedney Main Howe, Jr. (1914-1981)
Louis Peyton Howell (1932-1998)
Eugene Huggins (1929-2015)
Peter Dewitt Hyman, Sr. (1927-1999)


Harold W. Jacobs
George Coggin James, Sr. (1927-1999)
Albert L. James, Jr. (1916-2016)
Richard Manning Jefferies (1889-1964)
William Eldridge Jenkinson, Jr. (1912-1991)
Henry Caldwell Jennings (1891-1978)
Benjamin O. Johnson (1905-1976)
Edwin Wallace Johnson, Jr. (1904-1979)
Harriet McBryde Johnson (1957-2008)
Harvey Williams Johnson (1899-1972)
Hon. James W. Johnson Jr. (1951-2008)
Joseph Travis Johnson (1858-1919)
John E. Johnston Jr. (1933-2016)
Thomas K. Johnstone Jr. (1914-2005)
Oren O. Jones (1925-2008)
Reese I. Joye (1938-2008)
Hon. John R. Justice (1943-2006)


Coleman Karesh (1903-1977)
Hon. Thomas Kemmerlin Jr. (1931-2010)
John Davis Kerr (1903-1964)
Robert Lawton Kilgo, Sr. (1917-1992)
Hon. J. Ernest Kinard Jr.
Hon. Marion H. Kinon
Henry Wesley Kirkland (1923-2002)
Herman Grady Kirven (1925-1994)
Robert Edward Kneece (1933-2000)
Charles Wilson Knowlton (1923-1990)


T. Allen Legare Jr. (1915-2010)
Edward W. Laney III (1930 - 1980)
Thomas O. Lawton Jr. (1924-2005)
Dennis Bryan Leatherwood (1896-1989)
James C. Leventis (1938-2015)
George Davis Levy (1883-1972)
James Woodrow Lewis (1912-1999)
Lanneau Durant Lide (1876-1953)
Dr. Harry M. Lightsey, Jr. (1931 - 2006)
Harry McKinley Lightsey (1901-1986)
Hon. Bruce Littlejohn (1913-2007)
Hubert Eugene Long (1921-2000)
O. Langdon Long (1891-1971)
Isadore Edward Lourie (1932-2003)
James Lyle Love (1891-1972)
Alva Moore Lumpkin (1886-1941)
John Henderson Lumpkin (1916-1999)
Joseph Berry Sloan Lyles (1885-1963)


Angus Hamilton Macaulay (1893-1964)
Alfred Cleo Mann (1889-1956); also inducted 1975
Alfred Cleo Mann (1889-1956); also inducted 1961
Major General T. Eston Marchant, Jr. (1920 - 2006)
Andrew Burnet Marion (1919-1995)
William Francis Marion (1923-1995)
Edwin P. Martin (1938-2006)
J. Robert Martin, Jr. (1909-1984)
Hon. Thomasine G. Mason (1917-2012)
Calhoun Allen Mays (1884-1967)
Clarke Wardlaw McCants (1885-1950)
Clarke W. McCants Jr. (1885-1950)
John Betts McCutcheon, Sr. (1915-1997)
T. English McCutchen III (1948-2008)
Heyward Elliott McDonald (1925-2000)
James Edwin McDonald (1856-1933)
Moffatt Grier McDonald (1889-1953)
Thomas Ketchin Elliott McDonald (1898-1974)
Peter Hector McEachin (1895-1971)
George Raymond McElveen (1896-1989)
Joseph Means McFadden (1901-1990)
Franklin Pierce McGowan (1898-1968)
Douglas McKay (1886-1966)
Douglas McKay Jr. (1917-2008)
James Rion McKissick (1884-1944)
James Malcolm McLendon (1909-2000)
Daniel R. McLeod (1913-1985)
Franklin Alexander McLeod (1884-1958)
James C. McLeod, Jr. (1931-2014)
R. Kirk McLeod (1921-1987)
Thomas Gordon McLeod (1868-1932)
Walton James McLeod, Jr. (1906-1994)
Hon. William J. McLeod (1919-2010)
Yancey Alford McLeod (1909-1975)
Robert E. McNair (1923-2007)
David Harper Means (1913-1987)
Thomas Samuel Means, Jr. (1921-2000)
William Davis Melton (1868-1926)
David A. Merline Sr.
Joseph DuPre Miller (1930-2002)
Julian Mitchell (1867-1960)
Hon. Berry L. Mobley (1932-2009)
James "Jimmie" Moore Sr. (1918-2005)
Maurice Herndon Moore (1866-1910)
Joseph McQuillan Moorer (1884-1960)
Patrick Bradley Morrah Jr. (1915-1992)
Stephen G. Morrison (1949-2013)
Joseph Rodney Moss (1903-1993)
Ronald L. Motley (1944-2013)
Edward Wade Mullins (1893-1989)
Hon. Jamie L. Murdock Jr. (1952-2010)
James Bryson Murphy (1887-1965)
deRosset Myers (1920-2001)


Shepard Kollock Nash (1893-1980)
Jacob Nathaniel Nathans (1894-1939)
Henry Carrington Nelson Jr. (1923-1996)
Patrick Henry Nelson (1910-1964)
Julius B. Ness (1916-1991)
Edward Herman Ninestein (1908-1980)


John DeSaussure O'Bryan (1890-1985)
John Belton O'Neall (1793-1863)
Henry Kimsey Osborne (1875-1949)
George Dewey Oxner (1898-1962)
G. Dewey Oxner Jr. (1898-1962)


Henry Fletcher Padget Jr. (1922-1998)
D. Michael Parham (1950-2012)
John J. Parker (1885-1958)
H.F. “Pete” Partee (1929-2012)
Grady L. Patterson Jr. (1924-2009)
Gus Harry Pearlman (1913-2003)
Edward P. Perrin
Lewis Wardlaw Perrin (1886-1950)
Miss James M. Perry (1894-1964)
Hon. Matthew J. Perry Jr. (1921-2011)
James Louis Petigru (1789-1863)
Benet Polikoff (1898-1970)
Joseph Daniel Pope (1820-1908)
Thomas Harrington Pope Jr. (1913-1999)
Charles S. Porter Jr. (1935-2005)
James B. Pressly Jr. (1946-2004)
George Edward Prince (1855-1923)
Samuel Lander Prince (1996-1965)
William Fripp Prioleau (1922-1997)
Edward Kriegsmann Pritchard (1904-1977)
Gene V. Pruet (1924-2008)
Charles Victor Pyle (1910-1985)
Hon. C. Vicory Pyle, Jr. (1934-2017)


Prof. Charles H. Randall Jr. (1920-2010)
Floyd Dean Rainey (1904-1975)
Thomas Henry Rawl Jr. (1918-1993)
William B. Regan (1936-2011)
Jeter Ernest Rhodes Jr. (1944-1999)
William Luther Rhodes Jr. (1918-1986)
James Prioleau Richards (1894-1979)
D.V. Richardson III (1936-2010)
Edward Patterson Riley (1900-1994)
Carlisle Roberts (1909-1975)
Melvin L. Roberts (1930-2010)
David Wallace Robinson Sr. (1868-1935)
David Wallace Robinson (1899-1989)
Robert Hoke Robinson (1916-1977)
David W. Robinson II (1931-2007)
John T. Roddey (1906-1981)
Joseph Oscar Rogers Jr. (1921-1999)
Louis Rosen (1910-1989)
Morris D. Rosen (1919-2012)
Sylvan Lewenthal Rosen (1913-1996)
Elbert Marion Rucker (1866-1926)
Hon. Donald S. Russell (1906-1998)


Robert Edward Salane (1947-1996)
Edward Eli Saleeby (1927-2002)
Julian B. Salley Jr. (1912 - 2005)
Paul Andrews Sansbury Jr. (1920-1989)
Claud Napoleon Sapp (1886-1947)
Hon. Wyatt T. Saunders Jr. (1942-2009)
Henry Savage Jr. (1903-1990)
Claude M. Scarborough Jr. (1929-2012)
John Munford Scott (1910-1982)
William Henry Seals (1926-1989)
Thomas Sidney Sease (1867-1952)
William Munro Shand (1881-1941)
Joseph Dawson Shine (1949-2003)
Samuel Wilds Gillespie Shipp (1880-1937)
Albert Simons Jr. (1918-1998)
Charles Earl Simons Jr. (1916-1999)
Eaddy McLeod Singletary (1919-2001)
Huger Sinkler (1908-1987)
Huger Sinkler (1868-1913)
Robert Beverley Sloan (1883-1950)
Barney Olevette Smith Jr. (1952-1996)
Ellen Hines Smith (1940-1998)
Henry Augustus Middleton Smith (1853-1924)
Herbert Lee Smith (1889-1969)
Roy M. Smith, Sr. (1928 - 2006)
Augustine Thomas Smythe (1918-1991)
Augustine Thomas Smythe (1885-1962)
Henry Buist Smythe (1920-2002)
Emory Marlin Sneeden (1928-1987)
Thomas Hardeman Spain (1857-1935)
Floyd Davidson Spence (1928-2001)
Charles William Fraser Spencer (1876-1956)
Charles William Fraser Spencer Jr. (1911-1985)
J. McNary Spigner (1922-1999)
John McKee Spratt (1907-1973)
Harry Roberts Stephenson, Jr. (1915-1990)
Robert L. Stoddard (1918-2006)
E. Randolph Stone (1918 - 2006)
Laurence O'Hear Stoney Sr. (1921-1992)
Thomas Porcher Stoney (1889-1974)
Taylor Hudnall Stukes (1893-1961)
William Kenneth Suggs (1893-1972)
Samuel L. Svalina (1935-2013)


Claude Ambrose Taylor (1902-1966)
Claude Ambrose Taylor Jr. (1933-1991)
Frank L. Taylor (1910-1976)
Calhoun Thomas (1903-1970)
John Peyre Thomas Jr. (1857-1946)
William Joseph Thomas (1871-1942)
Belton Oswald Thomason, Jr. (1926-1993)
Bernard Melchoir Thomson, Jr. (1913-1991)
James Strom Thurmond (1902-2003)
John William Thurmond (1862-1934)
George Bell Timmerman (1881-1966)
George Bell Timmerman Jr. (1912-1994)
Ashley Cowan Tobias Jr. (1886-1966)
Albert Creswell Todd (1880-1961)
Albert C. Todd III (1950-2005)
J.D. Todd Jr. (1912-2011)
William Hutson Townsend (1868-1934)
William Byrd Traxler (1912-1997)
Nathaniel A. Turner (1897-1959)


Robert Edward Vanper (1917-1977)
James Spencer Verner (1906-1964)


Emil W. Wald (1934-2011)
John Frost Walker (1881-1970)
John Frost Walker Jr. (1911-1989)
Wesley Martin Walker (1915-1999)
Thomas Emmet Walsh (1919-1990)
Johnnie M. Walters (1919-2014)
Rufus Montgomery Ward (1908-1988)
Julius Waties Waring (1880-1968)
Henry Hitt Watkins (1866-1947)
Thomas Franklin Watkins (1881-1973)
William Law Watkins (1910-1999)
Samuel R. Watt (1900-1968)
Mortimer M. Weinberg (1896-1968)
M.M. “Rusty” Weinberg Jr. (1929-2009)
John C. West (1922-2004)
Marc H. Westbrook (1946-2005)
Ben Scott Whaley (1909-1987)
Marcellus Seabrook Whaley (1885-1961)
Richard Smith Whaley (1874-1951)
Thomas Baynard Whaley (1909-1992)
Bruce Welborn White (1905-1984)
H. Dave Whitener Jr.
William Walter Wilkins (1906-1995)
Robert P. Wilkins Sr. (1933-2013)
E. Lloyd Willcox (1904-2004)
Frederick Leroy Willcox (1870-1937)
Hugh Labarbe Willcox (1905-1994)
Philip Alston Willcox (1866-1922)
Arthur Middleton Williams (1914-1990)
Hon. Karen J. Williams (1951-2013)
Marshall Burns Williams (1912-1995)
Ray Robinson Williams (1889-1987)
John Frank Wilmeth (1889-1956)
Philip Wilmeth (1920-1995)
David McKewn Winter (1895-1984)
Robert King Wise (1892-1981)
Thomas Albert Wofford (1908-1978)
Charles A. Woods (1852-1925)
Malcolm Carr Woods Jr. (1906-1993)
Jonathan Jasper Wright (1840-1885)
Charles Cecil Wyche (1885-1966)
Cyril Granville Wyche (1890-1988)


F. Hall Yarborough (1921 - 2004)
Arthur Rutledge Young (1876-1947)
Charles Albert Young (1902-1955)
Henry Edward Young (1831-1918)
Joseph Rutledge Young (1915-1997)


Eugene N. “Nick” Zeigler (1921-2012)


Committee Chair:
Robert L. Kilgo Jr.
(843) 944-8268

Staff Contact:
Tara Caine
(803) 799-6653, ext. 146 

Past Memory Hold the Door Ceremonies