Legal Services in non-criminal matters for people who cannot afford a private lawyer are provided by SC Legal Services. Some of the types of legal services which may be available include: evictions, bankruptcies, health care problems, education, mortgage foreclosures, social security disability, employment problems, some limited divorce and custody matters and food stamp and welfare problems. Legal Services programs do not handle criminal law cases; if you have questions about criminal law, read Public Defender Services.
In determining whether a person is eligible for legal aid, income, size of family and special financial needs are considered. The legal services are free to eligible low income people, but clients are asked to pay court costs if possible.
To find out if you are eligible for assistance through SC Legal Services, call the Legal Aid Telephone Intake Service (LATIS) at 803-744-9430 in Richland or Lexington counties or 1-888-346-5592 from other parts of the state.
This information was prepared to give you some general information on the law. It is not intended as legal advice about any particular problem. If you have questions about the law you should consult a lawyer. If you do not know a lawyer, you can call the South Carolina Bar Lawyer Referral Service weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The number is 799-7100.