2020-2021 Environment & Natural Resources Membership Directory
Click here for the membership directory!
Section Chair:
Kelly D.H. Lowry
(864) 921-8915
Staff Contact:
Tara Caine
(803) 576-3766
If you are interested in becoming a member of Environment & Natural Resources Section, please forward dues payment in the amount of $25 to: SC Bar, Attn: Tara G. Caine, P.O. Box 608, Columbia, SC 29202. Please make checks payable to the SC Bar and note in the memo portion Enviro Dues.
Michael S. Traynham, Chair
1. Continue to conduct a Section seminar at the SC Bar Convention.
2. Continue to produce online CLEs and distance learning programs.
3. Continue to co-sponsor an Environmental Law Section Multi-State Conference with the State Bar of George and the North Carolina Bar Association in even-numbered years.
4. Continue to provide program support to the South Carolina Administrative and Regulatory Law Association (SCAARLA) at its annual seminar.
5. Continue to improve communications between the South Carolina Bar Environment & Natural Resources Section and the ABA Section of Environment, Energy & Resources to elevate the profile of the South Carolina Section within the ABA and to actively share information with the Section members on resources available through the ABA.
6. Continue to update and provide quality information on the Section community platform, website, and various other social media outlets by including significant developments in legislation, frequently asked questions, links to legal resources and upcoming events.
7. Continue to provide case law summaries to Section members to include annual highlights, legislative updates, important cases, etc.
8. Identify ways to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Section and its leadership.
9. Explore opportunities to connect (lunch and learns, socials, etc.) with the Environmental Law Society at the USC School of Law and the Charleston School of law.
ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources
Environmental Law Institute
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
S.C. Administrative Law Court
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Envronmental Protection Agency
SC Department of Environmental Services
SC Department of Agriculture
Section Chair:
Kelly D.H. Lowry
(864) 921-8915
Staff Contact:
Tara Caine
(803) 576-3766