The Civil Rights Law Section was formed in 2021 to promote and support South Carolina Bar members who work in the area of constitutional and civil rights law. The section also strives to educate other Bar members and the community at large concerning this very diverse practice area and to identify and address civil rights issues affecting historically marginalized populations.

Not a member? If you want to join now, please contact section liaison Eileen Carrouth at or 803-576-3796

Resources for Members

Civil Rights Law Section sponsored CLE programs available on demand​:
Justice Deferred: Race and the Supreme Court

Civil Rights Law On-demand CLE programs:
On-demand programs for the Civil Rights practice area (11 programs)

Of Interest:
Oral Histories sponsored by the SC Supreme Court Historical Society

Summoning the Dream: Pillars Against Prejudice​


Chair: Chris Mills
(803) 748-9533


Past Chair: Nekki Shutt
(803) 904-7912


Staff Contact: Eileen Carrouth
(803) 576-3796